trick Change Bootsplash Image ALL ANDROID

1.-Android Image Kitchen (DOWNOLAD)
2.-edit image on windows Tool modified by me (DOWNLOAD)
3.-I recommend Photoshop or similar software for image editing (GIMP or Paint are ok)
4.-I recommend to enable the file extension visualization in Windows.

Let's start!

1.-Take the boot.img of the kernel that you want to use

2.-Extract Android Image Kitchen


4.-Put boot.img in Android Image Kitchen folder

5.-Now go to cmd and navigate to Android Image Kitchen folder

unpackimg boot.img
7.-Now open windows explorer and navigate to *\Android Image Kitchen\ramdisk, look for a *.rle file and copy it. Rebember the name of the .rle file, you'll need it later.

8.-Paste the rle on edit-image-windows folder

9.- Open cmd, navigate to edit-image-windows folder and type:
rle2png nameoftthrle.rle 000x000
Where I wrote nameoftthrle.rle write the name of your rle and where I wrote 000x000 write your phone's resolution.

Example: for me, I have a GT-S6500D wich has a 320x480 resolution and the name of my rle is GT-S6500.rle so I must write:
rle2png GT-S6500.rle 320x480
10.- Open the .png file which is now on edit-image-windows folder with your image edition sowtware (I recommend Photoshop) and made the changes you want. In my phone, is only displayed on black and white, so it's useless to enable color mode.

11.-When you finished editing go again to cmd and write:
png2rle nameofttherle.png
Where I wrote nameoftthrle.rle write the name of your png.
png2rle GT-S6500.rle.png
12.-Now you'll have a file called nameofyourrle.rle.png.rle witch is the modified rle

13.-Go to *\Android Image Kitchen\ramdisk and replace the rle with the new one witch is modified.

14.-Now go to cmd, navigate to Android Image Kitchen folder, and type:
15.-Done! rename the image-new.img to boot.img and flash it!

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