Holo Backup - Full backup without root for Windows/Linux

A multiplatform GUI application I coded that uses ADB Backup to make full backups of your phone/tablet.

Unfortunately, ADB Backup itself is rather buggy so it will often fail on many devices, and may not work at all on some (the HTC One series, Sony phones from 2011, and some Motorola phones are most often reported to not work). All of the things the Ultimate Backup Tool has trouble with also affect this application. Sorry, that's just how it works. Do report devices that don't work though, just so everyone knows about it.

One of the best uses of ADB Backup is backing up Nexus devices before unlocking the bootloader, which wipes the device. You can then simply restore the backup to have your device in (mostly) the same state as before.

Tested by myself on Windows 7 and Linux Mint 14. As I've only tested it on my own phone, I'm treating this as an open beta.

Not working? Fill out this form so other people know.

Check to see if your device is on the list.

Download Contains links to downloads in .tar and .zip formats. Both executables and source are included.

On Windows, simply run HoloBackup.exe.
On Linux, run HoloBackupLinux. Running the binary as superuser is no longer necessary.

You can also run it from source on either platform, just move the script for your platform from the /src/ directory into the parent directory.

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